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10 posts tagged with "Future of AI"

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· 5 min read

When personal computers first hit the market, many people resisted them. Even as the machines worked their way into offices and homes, some people thought that computers shouldn't be used in certain ways, like in creating digital art. 

Though you'll still find some holdouts today, most people eventually came around and recognized that art created with the aid of a computer is, indeed, art. Just like accountants use accounting software to crunch numbers at work, and graphic designers everywhere use software like Adobe Illustrator to design images.

Yet we're seeing the "Is it really art?" argument again today with AI. Artists, writers, and creatives of all media are excited about the possibilities that AI opens up to them, while critics have strong feelings about artists using AI as a creative execution tool.

Well, you know what? Here at DeepMake, we're completely on board with people using AI as an artistic tool. Why? Because generative AI isn't capable of imagining new ways of doing, seeing, or feeling things --- aka creating. Only people can do that --- AI simply builds what humans have already imagined.

· 5 min read

DeepMake's software is dedicated to supporting AI education and expanding AI access for everyone. As we say on our website, "As an open core company, we believe that open source software democratizes AI development and promotes accessibility, leading to rapid iteration and scaling. True open source — available to anyone regardless of background, industry, or location — enables experimentation without constraints and drives innovation."

When we say we're committed to remaining open source, we mean it. Our software has no behavioral use restrictions, also known as ethical use licenses. 

Furthermore, we don't believe in behavioral licenses. We don't think they're appropriate for open source software and we don't believe they're enforceable. We're here to develop and promote AI tools and techniques, not control users' actions.

· 4 min read

There’s no denying that AI is a powerful tool. It has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, giving birth to intelligent virtual assistants, self-driving cars, and language processing tools. Some view it as a solution for all the world’s ailments, while others call it a curse that will bring down society as we know it.

· 5 min read

Read the news on any given day and you’ll see media firestorms about the dangers of AI and fearmongering over robots being developed for warfare. Simultaneously, countries are diving headfirst into AI development and new software is emerging daily. The hustle for AI dominance has our heart rate rapidly rising, reminiscent of the nuclear arms race of the twentieth century.

· 7 min read

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve heard about deepfakes. Deepfakes are videos that blend reality with fiction by training a generative neural network to replace a person’s face with someone else’s. These videos are making news, and not always in a good way. They can create the idea that a person — usually a celebrity or political figure — is doing something they did not do. And sometimes, they are made and distributed with malicious intent.